Sam Slom
State Senator
I endorse and support Julia Allen for the House. She will help restore your faith in elected officials and government for the people. I should know, because she has worked and assisted me in my Senate office for over a decade. She is smart, trustworthy and hardworking but more than that, Julia knows how to deal with all kinds of people, listen to their problems, and get results. We need Julia representing us. This year vote, vote for Julia, and make your vote count.

Bob McDermott
State Representative
Representative Bob McDermott and his wife, Utu, are strong supporters of Julia Allen. They support Julia’s priorities including family values, fiscal responsibility and educational needs of our students.

Richard Hall
Dentist & Navy Veteran
I support Julia Allen for State House because I know she works hard for our community, stands up for our values and seeks to make government more transparent for all of us.

Geno Godinet
Owner of Access Lifts Hawaii
As a resident of Palolo, I support Julia's campaign for the State House. She is committed to working for our community, has experience in business and has been employed at the Legislature. I know she stands up for the values I believe in.

Marilyn Moniz
Athletics Administrator, Attorney & Kaimuki Girl
Dedicated to making our community the best place to live and raise our families, Julia Allen has the most knowledge, years of experience working in state legislature, and the love of our way of life with it's small town feel to represent us at the State level. Join me in voting for Julia for District 21 State House. She will make a difference!

John P. (Jack) Karbens
Professor of Business
I support Julia Allen as Republican candidate for Hawaii State House of Representatives-District Twenty. I have worked with her on issues related to our District. She has served very effectively in her service on the Neighborhood Board and the St. Louis Heights Community Association. She also has extensive experience working for a Senator at the State Capitol. I recommend her with no reservations. I have lived in this district for over 40 years.

Mark Hagadone
Forensic Chemist Toxicologist
Owner of Technical Experts Inc.
I have known Julia Allen for many years, but most recently, as a legislative aid attending Neighborhood Board meetings for the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board. As Board Members we listened to the police, and fire department representatives as well as legislators and their aids, City Council Members, Mayor and Governor’s representatives and most importantly the opinions and concerns of our Neighbors living in Kaimuki.
Julia Allen commonly attended our meetings which occurred monthly as a legislative aid, outlining the concerns of Senator Sam Slom. I got to know her substance and character during these monthly meeting which took place over a period of several years.
I found Julia and her comments a welcomed breath of fresh air, in the backdrop of so many stale opinions, dry concerns and run-of-the-mill political posturing for consensus gain. I believed that she followed the auditor’s creed of saying what you do and doing what you say, in her approach to dealing with “politics as usual”. Julia often held minority opinions, but always chose to debate these positions with ideas instead of emotions. She continuously strove to align her thoughts with her speech and her actions, deliberately, on the same straight line called integrity.
I strongly indorse Julia Allen as a refreshing alternative to the political doldrum we find our neighborhood engulfed in. Julia has a great deal of professional experience working in and for the legislature of the State of Hawaii over the past 20 years, often in minority positions. She is not averse to standing strong and accurately presenting the “the rest of the story”, despite consensus pressure to do otherwise. Julia debates with facts and ideas, instead of emotions and innuendos, against the wave of decision avoidance and risk aversion we find our political machinery practicing.
If elected, I believe Julia will be searching for meaning in the application of politics to our neighborhoods, not simply expediency.